MWETANA sponsors ICT Association of Liberia (ICTAL) Launching Program
Barely six months after the fiber optic cable was launched
in Liberia, there has been an increase in the demand for Information
Communication Technology (ICT) professionals in Liberia. Giving the needs and
demands of the profession in the society, standardization and best practices
continues to remain a serious challenge faced by this current generation of ICT
professionals in Liberia.
MWETANA Consulting & Technology Group, an ICT company in Liberia, as part of its corporate and social responsibilities has been working closely with the executive committee of the Information Communication Technology Association of Liberia during its formation stage by providing financial support to the regular Sunday’s formation meeting refreshment for up to 20 persons for the period of 5 months.
With the numerous benefits the association poses in the accomplishment of the Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) and the vision 2030, MWETANA Consulting & Technology Group is happy and also pleased to be a founding corporate member of the association. MWETANA is also proud to be one of the prime sponsors of the official launching program of the Information Communication Technology Association of Liberia (ICTAL) which brought together key stakeholders, IT professionals, and media institutions amongst others. The company was fully represented during the launching ceremony which took place at the Cape Hotel by the President/Solutions Architect, Mr. Vivien C. Jones who spoke during the launching ceremony. He challenged the association to remain firm and strong in its decision making and reminded them to focus in accomplishing its mission and vision as stated on ICTAL’s website. He also used the occasion to plead with the Government and donor organizations to stop importing expertise from outside, but rather, requested that the opportunity be given to Liberians. This he said, will aid in the building of much needed capacity and allow Liberian ICT organizations and professionals to demonstrate their capabilities.
The occasion was graced by the Minister of Post & Telecommunication, Dr. Frederick B. Norkeh, who served as the Chief launcher along with Mr. Adbullai Kamara, Commissioner of the Liberia Telecommunication Authority who served as the guest speaker.
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