Why did I start to write?

Why did I start to write?

Writing as always been one of my inner passions and by knowing well that I have been blessed with the creativity and the ability to portrait ideas – I cannot hold back and continue to read others article. But what is very clear is that writing is a journey that once you start, you will want to end it but unfortunately you will not be able to end writing. Simply because there would always be something new or interesting to write about as time goes by.

From time to time, I will write about anything that will catches my mind or that I may think you readers will enjoy, but you can be assured that I will write more things about technology and other subject that will inspire me based on my background and experience.

Today, I would like to share with you my decision regarding my desire to start writing. I am not in any way writing to participate in any kinds of competition or wishing for an award. I am writing because I have always admired others who writes. I have also wanted to share my knowledge and experience with others in a way that it will be received with great pride and admiration. It is interesting to note that before I decided my blogging habit, I asked couple of good writers, people who writing I had inspired me with so much love and affection – I asked them how could I be a good writer? How could I write like them or better? And the truth is, I got the very same answers from everyone of them. They told me that if I want to be a good writing, I should start writing and start now!

Honestly, since I started this unforgettable journey, I have been very relieved with the number of time I give to my inner passion and how disciplined and committed I am in the process. I was also told by a very close friend who happens to be a good technology writing and his advice to me was to always write about things I am comfortable with and that I should always try to write things that the readers enjoys. I was strongly advised to accept all criticisms constructively if I want to be a good writer (hard for me but I will manage).

Please enjoy my blog and feel free to contact me for specific topics.


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